Brooklyn, meet Brooklyn.
This is my love letter to the only borough that I’ve lived in New York City. To introduce the Biggie Coogie jerseys to a bunch of indifferent Brooklyn residents we wanted to show the true, diverse, blue-collar part of Brooklyn.
We didn’t show the bridge tourists walk over on the weekends,
we showed the bridge we ride the train over to go to work.
Bodegas, not flea markets.
Brighton Beach, not Coney Island.
Soundtracked by one of Biggie’s most iconic tracks this is what Brooklyn looks like, sounds like — plays like.
This film plays before tip-off of every single Nets home game and is one of the most well received in-arena videos in the NBA. It was well recieved.
The word on the street is that the video was instrumental in attracting KD and Kyrie to Brooklyn.

Partner: Dylan Simel