Made up sports stories shape how we view real ones.

My good friend, Kris Cantrell, and I started arguing over which team was better: Remember The Titans or Friday Night Lights. (Easy money’s on Coach Boone’s team.) We noticed ourselves debating like we were talking about actual football teams, using a combination of stats and absolute opinions. It made us think -- What’s the difference between sports and the stories we make up?
There's a deep connection between the games we watch and the stories that we've made up. How important was Jesus Shuttlesworth to a young kid who dreamed about playing college basketball? Why does every golfer try the Happy Gilmore? How did a Pepsi ad turn into Kyrie’s entire persona? How many inspirational video montages have been set to the Rocky theme song?
Fictional sports shape how we view real sports -- and real life.
From analysis on society's treatment of Shooter McGavin to uncovering Elmer Fudd's trade options from Tune Squad, Screenside was a comprehensive blog intent on covering your favorite fictional sports stories.
It was a fun project that got me and Kris both jobs. Here are some of my favorite articles:
There's a deep connection between the games we watch and the stories that we've made up. How important was Jesus Shuttlesworth to a young kid who dreamed about playing college basketball? Why does every golfer try the Happy Gilmore? How did a Pepsi ad turn into Kyrie’s entire persona? How many inspirational video montages have been set to the Rocky theme song?
Fictional sports shape how we view real sports -- and real life.
From analysis on society's treatment of Shooter McGavin to uncovering Elmer Fudd's trade options from Tune Squad, Screenside was a comprehensive blog intent on covering your favorite fictional sports stories.
It was a fun project that got me and Kris both jobs. Here are some of my favorite articles:

Are We There Yet?
Played in a time, long before basketball twitter or World Star Hip-Hop vertical orientation video existed, Ice Cube’s story is dictated solely from a first hand account. Read.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Shooter McGavin
A memoriam of the former #1 golfer's career and our obsession with narrative. Read.

Forgetting the Knuckle-Puck in Sochi
Team USA "Mighty Ducks" return 13 of 14 players from their Junior Goodwill Games championship team. Who makes the starting lineup in Sochi? Read.

Buying Renter's Insurance from Cliff Paul
A routine errand gets a little strange when Chris Paul's twin brother reveals his inner demons. Read.

Remembering What Perfect Is
The T.C. WIlliams Titans and Permian Panthers had a lot to prove. Nick and Kris debate which team is better. Read.

Partner: Kris Cantrell